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Monday, October 15, 2012


At recess we play games. Here are some games we have played.We have played Kick.Kick is a game that you get a ball and a couple of people and you just kick the ball around.I think it is fun because it is fun to kick the ball away from people and see who gets it.

We have also played Switch.Switch is a game that you need four square and there are five people or more.What you do is one person goes in the middle and four people in the corners.You play by the person in the middle calls out Switch and the people in the corners run to a different corner.It is the same with more than five people except instead of going in the middle when you don't get a corner you make a line and go to the end of the line.I like Switch because it is fun to see who gets out and to see who gets to a corner.

We have also played Drop That Straw.Drop That Straw is a game that you get a group of people and some people get a straw and some people don't.The people that don't have a straw tag the people that do have one then they say Drop That Straw then they have to drop the straw. Now the person that they tag has to tag someone.I think it is fun because I like to tag people and I like to say Drop that straw!!!those were all of the games we have played.

By Grace

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